
    1930 - 1933 continuing the J Griffiths of Spring Villa years
  • 1930 - 1933 only has records of AGM's and then with little (recorded) activity; only about 10 attending and a rate sustained at 1/- in the £ until 1933 when it was reduced to 9d. Park roadman still employed.
  • started the 1930's with a credit balance of £5/17/1 and the AGM decided that in future a set of accounts should accompany the AGM notice.
  • Running costs were met such that balance mid-1931 was £6/5/11. With such funds in austere times the AGM agreed to investigate the purchase of a reasonable priced lockable shed to store Park property.
  • Concern over the bad state of some hedges - particularly at the foot - householders got reminded of their responsibility. The 1933 AGM proposed approaching Mr Grimes regarding the use of the Park roadman to trim Mr Grimes' hedge at Mr Grimes expense
  • Overdue rates from several householders leading to personal visits from the chairman and communication with Mr Jeffs c/o Brown & Co Chester - presumably solicitors.
  • At the 1932 AGM; Mr (Dr?) J Griffiths becomes secretary and Hon treasurer as well as his current chairman role. He accepted the joint posts conditional on being sole signatory and given a free hand to deal with minor business of the park.

    1934 - 1937 the beginning of the Chairman Harold Sabine long era establishing an active regular Park Management committee and the first attempt to establish and maintain a good Park roadway
  • At the May 1934 AGM Harold Sabine proposes a road committee to discuss the road question thoroughly and decide upon the best method of treating the roads. At the May 1935 AGM this committee formally takes on the management of the Park and agrees to meet periodically.
  • J Griffiths resigns all 3 posts at the 1935 AGM and Harold Sabine as road committee chairman takes over as Park chairman at the July 1936 AGM after a brief chairmanship by Mr Martyn.
  • Committee membership over subscribed - only 3 (Sabine, Williams & Warner) of the 5 balloted (but Furley who owned more than one house waslater admitted) - to work with the chairman (Martyn) and secretary (Mr Brocklebank). Quorum set at two plus the secretary. By September 1935 this committee resolved to meet monthly.

    see the history of the roadway improvements 1935 - 1937

  • Mr Pinnington - now the only Park rate defaulter - promises to pay future rates if arrears ignored - suggestion rejected.
  • A recommendation made by Mr TEWilliams and heartily endorsed by the meeting that during the fruit season, children should not be encouraged by gifts of windfalls, as this practice encourages thieving.
  • Complaints about certain people's hedges still an issue. Lyndale was the culprit in 1935.
  • The recently revised Urban District rateable values were adopted in 1935 as the basis for future Park rates. Although mainly increases this had a mixed effect across the park taking many of the 'grander' properties up (The Beeches from £36 to £45 and Mr Martyn's Rock Cottage from £38 to £56) while others down a little (The Cedars down from £32 to £30)
  • Another sign of the more business-like approach of this new committee was the fact that the need for insurance was raised when employing the roadman and other casual labour.

    1938 - 1939
  • Consideration of adoption by Chester CC of Park roads once again proposed but no record of any conclusions reached with CCC.
  • Several notes regarding arrears of Park rate including visits by Park officials to the guilty parties and in some cases to their tenants. Future annual accounts to state arrears.
  • Foden and Parker both builders and both joining the committee and assisting with road repair issues.
  • An enquiry from Messrs Gair, Roberts & Co. regarding a purchaser wishing to build between Lindum and Dickson's gate.
  • Mr B Roberts paid £1 towards the cost of laying Avenue hedge.
  • Honorarium of £5 to secretary for services to UPPA.

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